There are numerous kinds of wheat which have received
their names from the countries where they were first produced.
For my part, however, I can compare no kind of wheat to
that of Italy either for whiteness or weight, qualities for which
it is more particularly distinguished: indeed it is only with
the produce of the more mountainous parts of Italy that the
foreign wheats can be put in comparison. Among these the
wheat of Bœotia[1] occupies the first rank, that of Sicily the
second, and that of Africa the third. The wheats of Thrace,
Syria, and, more recently, of Egypt, used to hold the third rank
for weight, these facts having been ascertained through the
medium of the athletes; whose powers of consumption, equal
to those of beasts of burden, have established the gradations in
weight, as already stated. Greece, too, held the Pontic[2] wheat
in high esteem; but this has not reached Italy as yet. Of
all the varieties of grain, however, the Greeks gave the preference to the kinds called dracontion, strangia, and Selinusium,
the chief characteristic of which is a stem of remarkable thickness: it was this, in the opinion of the Greeks, that marked
them as the peculiar growth of a rich soil. On the other hand,
they recommended for sowing in humid soils an extremely
light and diminutive species of grain, with a remarkably thin
stalk, known to them as speudias, and standing in need of an
abundance of nutriment. Such, at all events, were the opi-
nions generally entertained in the reign of Alexander the Great,
at a time when Greece was at the height of her glory, and the
most powerful country in the world. Still, however, nearly
one hundred and forty-four years before the death of that
prince we find the poet Sophocles, in his Tragedy of "Triptolemus," praising the corn of Italy before all others. The
passage, translated word for word, is to the following effect:—
"And favour'd Italy grows white with hoary wheat."
And it is this whiteness that is still one of the peculiar merits
of the Italian wheat; a circumstance which makes me the more
surprised to find that none of the Greek writers of a later
period have made any reference to it.
Of the various kinds of wheat which are imported at the
present day into Rome, the lightest in weight are those which
come from Gaul and Chersonnesus; for, upon weighing them,
it will be found that they do not yield more than twenty
pounds to the modius. The grain of Sardinia weighs half a
pound more, and that of Alexandria one-third of a pound more
than that of Sardinia; the Sicilian wheat is the same in
weight as the Alexandrian. The Bœotian wheat, again, weighs
a whole pound more than these last, and that of Africa a pound
and three quarters. In Italy beyond the Padus, the spelt, to
my knowledge, weighs twenty-five pounds to the modius, and,
in the vicinity of Clusium, six-and-twenty. We find it a
rule, universally established by Nature, that in every kind of
commissariat bread[3] that is made, the bread exceeds the weight
of the grain by one-third; and in the same way it is generally
considered that that is the best kind of wheat, which, in
kneading, will absorb one congius of water.[4] There are some
kinds of wheat which give, when used by themselves, an additional weight equal to this; the Balearic wheat, for instance,
which to a modius of grain yields thirty-five pounds weight of
bread. Others, again, will only give this additional weight
by being mixed with other kinds, the Cyprian wheat and the
Alexandrian, for example; which, if used by themselves, will
yield no more than twenty pounds to the modius. The wheat
of Cyprus is swarthy, and produces a dark bread; for which
reason it is generally mixed with the white wheat of Alexandria; the mixture yielding twenty-five pounds of bread to the
modius of grain. The wheat of Thebais, in Egypt, æhen
made into bread, yields twenty-six pounds to the modius. To
knead the meal with sea-water, as is mostly done in the maritime districts, for the purpose of saving the salt, is extremely
pernicious; there is nothing, in fact, that will more readily
predispose the human body to disease. In Gaul and Spain,
where they make a drink[5] by steeping corn in the way that
has been already described—they employ the foam[6] which
thickens upon the surface as a leaven: hence it is that
the bread in those countries is lighter than that made else-
There are some differences, also, in the stem of wheat; for the better the kind the thicker it is. In Thrace, the stem of the wheat is covered with several coats,[7] which are rendered absolutely necessary by the excessive cold of those regions. It is the cold, also, that led to the discovery there of the three-month[8] wheat, the ground being covered with snow most of the year. At the end mostly of three months after it has been sown, this wheat is ready for cutting, both in Thrace and in other parts of the world as well. This variety is well known, too, throughout all the Alpine range, and in the northern pro- vinces there is no kind of wheat that is more prolific; it has a single stem only, is by no means of large size in any part of it, and is never sown but in a thin, light soil. There is a two-month[9] wheat also found in the vicinity of Ænos, in Thrace, which ripens the fortieth day after sowing; and yet it is a surprising fact, that there is no kind of wheat that weighs heavier than this, while at the same time it produces no bran. Both Sicily and Achaia grow it, in the mountainous districts of those countries; as also Eubœa, in the vicinity of Carystus. So greatly, then, is Columella in error,[10] in supposing that there is no distinct variety of three-month wheat even; the fact being that these varieties have been known from the very earliest times. The Greeks give to these wheats the name of "setanion." It is said that in Bactria the grains of wheat are of such an enormous size, that a single one is as large as our ears of corn.[11]